picky eater

Your Result!

Overall Score

Grains -
Protein Foods

Results Data

Vegetables - Cups Avg / Rec Lower Range Higher Range Deficient Excessive
Total Vegetables4.210.51460.00%
Dark Green Vegetables0.311.570.00%
Red & Orange Vegetables1.33.25460.00%
Beans, Peas, Lentils0.40.75146.67%
Other Vegetables1.12.53.556.00%
Grains - Oz Avg / Rec Lower Range Higher Range Deficient Excessive
Total Grains35.121350.28%
Whole Grains4.9211.22156.07%
Refined Grains30.811.217.543.18%
Protein Foods - Oz Avg / Rec Lower Range Higher Range Deficient Excessive
Total Protein Foods25.922.7528
Meats, Poultry, Eggs1716.523
Nuts, Seeds, Soy Products43.54

These results help you understand how your child's nutritional intake aligns with recommended ranges. If your child's score indicates deficiencies or excessive intake, it's important to address these areas to ensure their optimal growth and development.

Remember, these results are just a starting point. Our team of experts is here to guide you through practical strategies and personalized recommendations to help your picky eater thrive.

Let's work together to nurture your child's health and pave the way for a future filled with diverse, nutritious foods.